Further Maths - VI Form


Further Mathematics

Why choose Further Mathematics? 

Further Mathematics broadens and deepens the mathematics covered in A level Mathematics and is offered in the Sixth Form as an additional Advanced Level. It is designed for students with an enthusiasm for mathematics, many of whom will go on to degrees in mathematics, engineering, the sciences and economics. The challenge provided is excellent preparation for studying at a greater depth in most other subjects. As well as introducing students to new topics that they will find useful for their degree course, it is likely to improve their A level Mathematics grade by consolidating and reinforcing the standard A level Mathematics work. Overwhelmingly, students taking Further Mathematics find it to be an enjoyable, rewarding, stimulating and empowering experience. For students who enjoy mathematics, it provides challenge and a chance to explore new and/or more sophisticated mathematical concepts. For more able A level Mathematics students it enables them to distinguish themselves as able mathematicians both for university applications and in the employment market.

What study skills do you need? 

Students will need to take a proactive, interrogative approach to the study of Further MAthematics. Problem solving will be the most important skill developed.

What are the aims of the course? 

Through mathematical thinking, modelling and problem solving, the course encourages students to develop a deep understanding of mathematics and the ability to use it in a variety of contexts.

GCSE requirements

Students will need to have a very high degree of both fluency and competency in algebra and must have achieved Grade 8 at GCSE.

Course content

Over the two years you will study Core Pure Mathematics, Decision Mathematics and Mechanics with wide applications in mathematics, engineering, physical sciences and computing.

Further education and career opportunities

A Level Further Mathematics prepares students for further study and employment in highly mathematical disciplines that require knowledge and understanding of sophisticated mathematical ideas and techniques. It is a particularly impressive qualification that demonstrates core intelligence, a logical mind and excellent problem-solving skills. Studying Further Mathematics is an excellent option for students wishing to read Mathematics or a Mathematics-rich degree such as Engineering, Physics, Actuarial Studies, Computer Science or Economics at university.

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