
Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Maria Kemp (BA Hons)

Executive Headmistress

Mrs Laura Sardina BSc (Spain)

Acting Assistant Head - Ethos & Teacher of Spanish

Mrs Victoria Sumner BA (Hons) (Brighton)
Designated Safeguarding Lead and Wellbeing Manager, PE teacher and Associate SLT Member

Mrs Lara McManamon BSc (Hons) (London)
Computer Science Teacher
Exams Offices and Associate SLT Member


Fr Frank Calduch
School Chaplain

Teaching Staff

Miss Angie Blanco BA (Valencia)

Director for Parental and Pupil Development & Teacher of Spanish

Mrs Karen Parker
Teacher of English

Mr Ophir Even BA (Hons) (Oxon) PGCE (St Mary's Twickenham)
Teacher of Latin

Mrs Joanna Walton BA (Hons) (Goldsmiths), PG Diploma (Acting)

Lead Teacher of Drama

Mr Roger Paul BA (Hons) (UEA), PGCE, ARCO

Lead Teacher - Music

Miss Melanie Clark BA (Hons) (Manchester) STUD GEN REG BRIT(Rome) Cert. Higher Ed. (London)
Head of Religion, Ethics, Philosophy

Mrs Laura Fernandez MSC in Pharmacy UAH, MSC in Science Teaching UAH

Teacher of Biology

Mrs Lorraine Keane BA (Hons) (Lancashire) PGCE (Cambridge)
Head of Maths

Mr Sammi Mushtaq  BSc (Hons) (Birmingham), PGCE (London)

Teacher of Maths

Mrs Constance Cereze MA Legal history, Universite Paris II, PhD History and Philosophy of Law, Universite Paris II

Teacher of French

Dr Nisha Obano  BA (Hons) (Aberystwyth), MA (SOAS), PhD (Sussex)

Head of Careers

Miss Matilda Radcliffe (BA Hons Glasgow School of Art)
Head of Art & Deputy DSL

Mrs Karolin Tang  BSc Environmental Science - Linkoping Sweden, MSc Sustainable Development – Uppsala, Sweden

Teacher of Geography

Mrs Katiba Choudhary BSC (HONS) PGCE (Manchester) PG(Dip) (Dyslexia) AMBDA BDA

Teacher of Science

Mr Alexander Williams BA (Hons) Sports Coaching and Physical Education (Plymouth) 

Head of Sport

Mr Harshil Patel BSc Hons (University of Leeds) PGCE with QTS (University of Buckingham)

Assistant Head of Sport

Miss Lisa Newbould  BA (Hons) (Manchester) MA (Leeds)

Arete Programme Lead

Mrs Maribel Pardo de Vera Higher Education in Maths UNIR, TECNUN – University of Navarra
Teacher of Maths and Science

Mr Abu Ahmed  BA (Hons) (London), MA (London), MSc (Oxon)

Lead Teacher - History

Miss Fay Bowler

Teaching Assistant

Miss Elena Finaldi

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Mari Warren

Teaching Assistant

Miss Eva Karasz

Teaching Assistant

Peripatetic Teachers

Mr Ian Watt BMus  (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland)


Mr Robert Fordjour


Miss Chloe Meade


Ms Julia McCullough  BMus (Distinction)

Miss Sophie Walby Trinity College of Music) (BA Hons) BMus (Hons) TCM, MISM


Ms Anna Samant  (LGSM and GMus)

Piano and Voice

Tristan Horne  (BMus, PGDip)


Non Teaching/Support Roles

Mrs Vicky Sumner
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Sally Norman
Head of Admissions & Marketing

Mrs Lynn Howell
School Administrator & PA to the Headmistress

Mrs Catherine Williams
School Administrator & Marketing Assistant

Mrs Barbara Pereira

Science Technician

Mrs Dorothy N’Tinu

School Housekeeper

School Caretaker Team

Mr Custodio Rodrigues

Mr Daniel Nawrotowicz

PACT Educational Trust Staff

Mr Ben Fowler
Bursar & Operations Manager

Miss Sharna Stevens
Finance Administration & Payroll

Miss Claire Turney
Credit Controller

Mrs Lupe Sedoufio
Estates & Health and Safety Manager

Irfan Rashid

IT Manager

Usman Saeed

IT Officer


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