The Philosophy & Religious Studies Branch

The Philosophy & Religious Studies Branch

All pupils are required to follow a course in Philosophy for Children (P4C), which encourages them to explore and develop philosophical enquiry and logical thinking, helping them “learn to learn”.

From Year 7 you will be able to take part in philosophical enquiries – learn like you have never learned before. You will be taken on a journey that not only helps you to think well, but to think about your own thinking. You will become part of an exciting endeavour that started centuries ago and is happening now. Discover ways of understanding yourself and the world around you and contribute to the philosophical conversation. You will soon be hooked on philosophy and experience a certain euphoria when the philosophical penny drops! As you progress through the school you will look at some of the main branches of philosophy and learn about the history of philosophy too. You will soon see that philosophy helps you in all your subjects and with the guidance of your teachers discover philosophical notions in Mathematics, Science, English, Art, Music… you’ve guessed and all your other subjects!

At The Laurels you will be encouraged not only to strive for the wreath of exam success, but also the wreath of personal success in all that you do. The words of St Paul to the Corinthians reflect our school’s aspirations for you: we wish for you an enduring excellence, a lasting happiness which comes from wishing to do everything well because it is the right thing to do, because it is what people are made for: when we become fully human and we fulfil our destiny. “Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win. Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we, an imperishable one.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

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