Induction for Year 7


Induction for Year 7's

At The Laurels School we have a carefully planned Induction Procedure which starts when pupils are still at primary school and ensures a smooth and happy transition from primary to secondary school.

Induction Day

During the Summer Term prior to admission we organise a New Pupil Acquaint Event which is designed to bring new pupils together and helps to put new pupils at ease when they join us in September.

Pupils meet their Form Teacher and current Year 7 pupils. The Induction Day is a great opportunity for pupils to get to know each other better and to learn more about the school. They take part in activities designed to build their confidence and create a real team spirit within the class.

At the end of Induction Day, parents are invited for tea and cake and are able to meet each other and the Form Teacher. There is a chance to purchase the school uniform and PE kit. Parents will also receive a copy of the Parent Handbook.

Residential Trip

During September pupils take part in a residential trip which aims to foster a spirit of service, friendship and collaboration. Pupils will take part in activities which encourage them to grow in virtues such as order, perseverance and fortitude. It also provides the Form Teacher and pupils with the opportunity to get to know each other better in a relaxed and informal setting.

Information Evening for New Parents

In September, all new parents are invited to the school for an Information Evening. The objectives for the school year are explained and key school events in the calendar are notified. It provides the opportunity for parents to meet the teachers and the school chaplain and also to be introduced to the Class Couple.

The evening finishes with refreshments and a chance to meet parents from other year groups who are always happy and willing to share their experiences.

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