COVID19 - Remote Learning

Welcome to our Remote Learning Programme page

Teaching and Learning are grouped under the following headings:

  1. Curriculum delivery
  2. Pastoral care and enrichment
  3. Spiritual Resources
  4. Additional Educational Resources

Please scroll down to find the appropriate section. If you have any questions about this content, please email:

Teaching and Learning Curriculum Delivery

We are continuing to deliver our curriculum in all subjects using virtual classrooms and interactive video and audio lessons. Pupils were prepared from the beginning as we already had online learning in place for most of the subjects. All pupils were issued with a remote pupil learning pack to get up to speed which you can obtain again from your parent portal account.  We issue weekly academic review reports to parents during this period of enforced remote learning detailing the lesson learning outcomes and classwork and homework expectations. Ongoing technical support is provided to pupils, parents and teachers to ensure no one misses out on learning.

Please take some time to check out our School Life Picture Gallery.

Pastoral Care and Enrichment

We are continuing to conduct tutorials with our pupils and parent tutor meetings using video conferencing. Our character education programme this term is learning about diligence for KS3 (Y7-9) and "Women who Appreciate" and ‘Living with Uncertainty – the only Certainty for KS4 (Y10 & 11). 

Please take some time to check out School Life Picture Gallery showing casing what our pupils many talents!

Spiritual Resources

Additional Educational Resources

Pupils are provided with free and paid online educational platforms to support and enhance their learning. There are many more educational resources available but here are a few free ones that we like.

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