Character Education

Character Education for VI Formers

During their time at The Laurels, pupils will have learnt the ‘language of virtue’ and will have learnt to recognise what constitutes a ‘life well led’.

The VI Form is the springboard to the next chapter in a young woman’s life – a time when they will be called upon to live a life in tune with their principles and ideals; to be women of integrity. This is no easy challenge.

The Character Development programme helps our VI Formers to develop the emotional and spiritual tools which will enable them to live a life in harmony with themselves and their innermost yearnings; to learn how unique and valued they are, yet at the same time think about themselves less and others more; to take life seriously but have a healthy sense of humour about themselves; to make the right choices for the right reasons.

The Tutorial System

In the VI Form the tutorial system comes into its own and the tutor becomes a ‘wise friend’ and mentor. VI Formers have the opportunity to discuss their concerns, aspirations, plans, sorrows and joys with their tutor.

The tutor liaises with the subject teachers and parents to ensure her tutee achieves her full potential. She helps her with essential skills such as time management and how to become a true professional.

She is there to gently guide and advise on life choices, career decisions, friendship issues, the meaning of love and the deepening of faith. Nothing is too big or too small for a student and her tutor to discuss.

A tutor is the embodiment of The Laurels spirit – ‘to serve with joy’. She is on hand for the good times and the bad times. She is someone who gives generously of herself and her time to help a young person grow in self-awareness and love of self and others. Her role is to support and assist her tutee as she navigates the ‘moral maze’ and help her to discern her way in life. No wonder so many tutors become lifelong friends!

Service Learning Project

VI Formers at the Laurels put their understanding of virtue to practical use through a service learning project, designed for younger students.

This year’s project looks at the values and virtues young people need to be able to live well with a mobile phone. Sixth form pupils will design a workshop and resource to be delivered to Year 5 and Year 6 pupils in local primary and prep schools. The process includes:

  • Research into the impact of technology on young people
  • Interviews with pupils
  • Interviews with primary heads and staff about the challenges of technology in their schools.
  • Workshop planning
  • Resource development (this could be a website, film, book or magazine)
  • Workshop delivery.

The aim is for VI Formers to begin to make a difference to the world around them on a larger scale by using the Character Education they have received themselves.

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